Archive for December, 2008


Snake Road & Ribs

December 29, 2008

It’s great when you plan out a ride with a few friends then on the day of the ride you wind up with a whole bunch of extra bikers. That’s just what happened this past weekend. One of the groups we hang out with called Motorcycle Riders of South Miami (MRSF) decided to go on a ride up to Immokalee Florida and a little rib joint called Rib City. Seeing that most of their members are also members of the group my wife and I belong to, they invited us along. The initial response was about 20 to 25 bikes, however by the time we had our kickstands up, we had a good 50 bikes joining us.

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Groups and Clubs

December 8, 2008

This week my wife & I were asked by the organizers of the group we ride with (Miami Motorcycle Riders aka: MMR), if we would be their assistant organizers. My wife hesitated at first because we really didn’t know what it would entail and we really don’t have much extra time available in our busy schedule. But after thinking about it and talking with friends, we realized that it’s not very time-consuming at all and there are very few meetings that ever really need to be attended.

So we agreed to do it and surprisingly we received a lot of congratulations from people who were happy we accepted. The reason I found it surprising was because we haven’t been with the group that long, and I thought there were others more experienced to handle the job. But after spending the weekend at a couple of bike events and meeting other groups and clubs I noticed that there are very distinct differences between motorcycle Groups and Clubs, and maybe our lack of seniority wasn’t as important.

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